Are You Outdoorsy?!
Are you the outdoorsy type, you know, do you like to drink wine outdoors?! With spring well underway and summer just around the corner it's time to have a look at our outdoor spaces where we spend most of our time. What should we be looking at?
1. Outdoor furniture
Is your furniture old tired and mouldy? Perhaps you could just freshen with some new cushions. If not there is strong trend to creating outdoor `rooms'. This might include a sofa with some matching occasional chairs and low coffee table plus a big table and 8 - 10 chairs. Not only does this create another living area but fantastic value to your property. New trends in outdoor sofas almost look like they could be used inside they are so beautiful! We particularly love the Globe West range.

2. Outdoor rugs and accessories
Outdoor rugs can really make a difference to a outdoor space or room. Not only does it look stylish and can add colour, it anchors a table to a space and takes the heat out of a deck that can reflect strong light with adding the benefit of perhaps covering some weathered boards! Cushions are a brilliant way to add interest to a outdoor space and most people feel more comfortable using strong colours outside. Outdoor cushions using Sunbrella fabric are a great idea, they repel water and get less mould and also fade less. Otherwise if you are like me, I don't worry about the fading, I like new cushions every year!
3. Outdoor potted plants and garden beds
I'm not gardener that's for sure but I do love the look of a greenery on my deck or patio. Luckily much hardier plants like palms, succulents and fancy grasses are back in fashion. Indoor plants are also back in a big way if you have a shady spot that doesn't get direct sunlight. I always go for the biggest thing I can fit and afford for impact or multiples of smaller pots can have the same impact. Quite often on Queenslander decks you are disconnected from the garden so some statement plants are a beautiful touch.
So that's a couple of things to think about coming into summer.
Please get in touch if we can help you make some decisions about updating or creating a outdoor room for you, let's face it, outside entertaining is the best...get the wine ready!